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SGP Steering Group

Tim Aitman
Co-Principal Investigator University of Edinburgh

Andrew Biankin
Co-Principal Investigator University of Glasgow

Wendy Inglis Humphrey
SGP Project Manager University of Edinburgh

Javier Santoyo-Lopez
Facilities Manager Edinburgh Genomics

Anne Lampe
Chair, SGP Ethics Advisory Group NHS Lothian

Zosia Miedzybrodzka
Chief Investigator NHS Rare Diseases NHS Grampian

Lynne Hocking-Mennie
Project Manager NHS Rare Diseases University of Aberdeen

Nicola Williams
Clinical Science Lead NHS Rare Disease NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Fiona Murphy
Divisional Director NHS National Services Division

Richard Scott
Clinical Lead 100,000 Genomes Project Genomics England

Colin Semple
Informatics Lead University of Edinburgh

Alison Meynert
Informatics Lead University of Edinburgh

Susie Cooke
Informatics Lead University of Glasgow
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