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Clinical Genomes Scotland meeting

"A unique international meeting."

Professor David Goldstein, Duke University School of Medicine

6th October 2014


This meeting at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh, was organised by Professors Tim Aitman, Nick Hastie and Mary Porteous (University of Edinburgh IGMM and NHS Lothian) and brought together key players from the genomics community. It addressed the broad issue of how Scotland (and others) are responding to the opportunities created by the rapidly increasing availability of whole genome sequencing technologies, and the data and information that these technologies are generating.


The meeting had a programme [PDF] of exceptional UK and international speakers and was anticipated to influence the direction of genomics in clinical practice for Scotland, the UK and in other administrations with an interest in clinical genome sequencing.


The packed audiences testified to the great level of interest and the success of this meeting helped to stimulate the formal creation of the Scottish Genomes Partnership.

Sir John Bell (University of Oxford)

David Bentley (Illumina) and

Mark Blaxter (University of Edinburgh)

Mark Caulfield (Genomics England) and

Mary Porteous (NHS Lothian)

Sean Grimmond and Anna Dominiczak

(University of Glasgow)

Tim Aitman (University of Edinburgh) and

Howard Jacob (Medical College of Wisconsin) 

David Goldstein (Duke University School of Medicine)

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