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"Joining up the Pieces" Workshop

"This workshop was engaging and lively, and was agreed by all to have been very useful indeed. The very act of bringing together this group of people from across Scotland

is an important catalyst and creates the foundation for future collaborative working."

Professor Tim Aitman, SGP Co-PI, University of Edinburgh

30th August 2016

Principal Investigators, Professor Tim Aitman and Professor Andrew Biankin, led an SGP workshop at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh. This workshop focused on Scottish participation in the Genomics England 100,000 Genomes Project.

It brought together many of those involved with SGP across Scotland, including the Director of NHS National Services Division, Deirdre Evans; clinicians and laboratory leads from NHS Clinical Genetics centres in Aberdeen, Dundee, Glasgow and Edinburgh; NHS IT services; bioinformaticists from the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow; the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, Edinburgh Genomics and University of Glasgow Translational Research Centre.

Participants considered the progress made in establishing the foundations for this strategic collaboration, discussed solutions to current challenges and explored optimal ways of working together as the programme develops. The workshop was engaging and lively and a number of key decisions were made and important actions taken forward.

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